Sunday, January 30, 2011

We are not our parents and we are not our children

I once read that if you fill a child's cup (their mind), then they will not have
room for additional "potentially bad" things. In other words, teach your
children all they need to know.

I think a more realistic approach is this:

You fill a child's cup partially (the amount will vary by parents)
They, as people, and experiences in their lives will fill it the rest of the way.
Why we are human, not perfect, not our parents, and we are not them determined
by what they fill it with. It may be the same "liquid" we used, it may be different, it may mix well, it may not. They may pour some out and add something new. Things can also
be complicated by the fact that the cup may be cracked from the start or crack
in response to what it added.

Just a thought.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Quick Thought-Numbers as Objects

I'll hopefully have time to think more about this later but I want to toss
it out now.

What if we consider numbers as Objects. What I mean by this is the number
itself has Properties (things that define/control it) and Methods (things it can do-operations?)

We can already define, for example, a number system in this way. Take the Integers.
Just to list a few.

Contain Zero


This is a limited subset but what if we did the same thing with numbers themselves?
Could this help us get rid of anomolies such as division by zero?

Take the number 12
A Property might inlude
Made up of 12 Unit objects

Methods might include

If we combine this with say the number 0 and use it's method, FindDecimalRepresentationByLimit, then if we took the Object 12 and divided it by
by the Object 0 using FindDecimalRepresentationByLimit we might be able to define an answer.
As opposed to "not defined."

This is not well thought out but I thought I'd toss it out to help remind me to investigate
the idea later.

Who knows, maybe it will help with the pattern of primes or irrational numbers like PI.

Just a thought