Thursday, October 16, 2008

Evolution Conundrum

Evolution to me is just plain obvious. However, there is an oddity that keeps me thinking. Humans do not manufacture vitamin C. We have to get it or die of scurvy. Most animals manufacture it in their bodies. But focusing on just humans I would think that we would have evolved to create our own vitamin C. In other words, during the process of evolving, I would think that the group that could not manufacture vitamin C would have die out in favour of those who could manufacture it. So this begs a couple of questions. Has the mutation to create vitamin C just never occured in humans so it never became a factor in the evolutionary process? Or maybe at one time we did manufacture vitamin C and evolved out of it as vitamin C bearing foods became abundant and other evolutionary survival traits became more important.

Maybe this is what happened to the Neandertals. Maybe they all died of scurvy in the end while the cro-magnon was able to gather the necessary foods to survive.