Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to me

I recently had a birthday. My immediate family recognized it and, although the importance of birthdays has lessened over the years, it is still enjoyable to be recognized.

It is dissapointing that other extended family members, as they call themselves, cannot bring themselves to remember, and if they do, said nothing; with the exception of one person(of a dozen or more people). Thanks to that one. It was an email and it meant a lot. A kind gesture. That person gave away nothing and enhanced someone else's life. I think that is great. It's like a compliment: "thanks for living one more year." It means no more and no less; no hidden agenda.

Others claim to care, but when even a simple birthday does not get honored by a card, email, phone call, whatever; that is saying something other than caring (actions matter.) They are thinking of self only. I've been guilty of that myself so I recognize it. That does not excuse it. And believe me, one can come up with all kinds of lame excuses if one tries.

Shame on those people. But more importantly shame on them for not even trying to change their behavior.

I guess for them, other things are more important. But I will tell you, it sure does not feel that way on the receiving end, no matter the reason.

P.S. What's even more ludicrous is some of these people are saddended by the fact we are growing apart -- big surpriser there uh!

Oh well. Happy birthday to me and thanks to the three who cared.

P.S.S: A recent study showed a direct correllation to the number of birthdays and length of life. In short, the more birthdays you have the longer people tend to live.