Saturday, October 17, 2009

Other Galaxies and Life

So we have peered in to the depths of the universe and seen Galaxies that are around 13.1 Billion years old (13.1 Billion light years away.) What that means is that the light we are now seeing took 13.1 Billion years to reach us. We are seeing that Galaxy at its early stages. I wonder what the Galaxy actually looks like now? How many "suns" have formed, planets formed; if any life has appeared.

Our Galaxy is about 13.2 Billion years old. That means that if one of those other very old Galaxies formed a solar system with life like ours, they may now be looking out in to the universe and seeing the Milky Way Galaxy and seeing "us" as we were 13.2 Billion years ago. They would be seeing a Galaxy that was just forming. No earth existed at that point. (Earth is only 4-5 Billion years old.) So the Galaxy we are seeing, may have someone sitting at their computer, wondering what our Galaxy looks like now.

But we cannot communicate. There is me, wondering what the 13.1 Billion year old distance Galaxy looks like and contains today. And there is that Galaxy, 13.1 Billion light years away, possibly with a person wondering what's going on in the Milky Way. We can't communicate in our life time or even in the life time of our solar system. It is even possible that that distant Galaxy no longer exists. We would not know for another 13 Billion years.

It's also possible, that within our Galaxy or the other one, a solar system formed, planets formed, life formed, flourished and died out; all with no-one else (us for example) every being aware. Here or there a planet could have formed life that became technologically advanced; even maybe a million years more so than we are now and then died out when their sun went supernova or died out. If that happened between 7 and 8 Billion years ago, we would have no idea. And the planet(s) on which that life flourished may not even be around anymore to be discovered.

This could also be taking place (or have taken place) in that distant Galaxy 13.1 Billion light years away. How small we are and incapable of really finding out much about the existence of things outside our tiny realm in time and distance.

Not to diminish science and our attempts to try. It's fun. But we are such a simple but complex thing trying to derive (and actually thinking we can) a theory of everything. If it is possible through, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology to at least think we understand everything; some other culture on a long dead planet in our solar system or in a Galaxy 13.1 Billion light years away, may have already been there, done that and dissapeared.

Good luck to us and to the possible inhabitants of a possible planet in the Galaxy 13.1 Billion light years away. I hope their Large Hadron Collider is doing better than ours.
I hope my possible doppleganger in that Galaxy can explain his thoughts better than me.
In a few years, the atoms of my thoughts will be spread out. The atoms of energy in which I am now typing my thoughts will be dispersed in a few years as well; unable to be reassembled, never to be heard again. Never heard by a curious person, typing at their computer on some other planet, that has developed life, after ours has died out.

I love that our brains can imagine and comprehend what they can!